Magic Jewerly - #034#

 - Desir Rouge -

Hello Stars!

A gorgeous elegant dress is on offer these days on the Marketplace.
The dress is a Magic Jewerly creation and is a very short, glittery red dress with a sexy back opening to show off the back.
A dress that cannot be missing in your inventory, to always be sexy without sacrificing elegance.
Perfect for elegant evenings or a romantic evening with your partner.
The dress is only suitable for the Maitreya body and can be found on offer at 1 linden, only on the Marketplace.
What are you waiting for? Hurry to visit the Magic Jewerly online store!


  • Maitreya


Hair: Truth Hair - Shadow (Old Group Gift)


Outfit price: 1L$ (Special Offer)

Hair price: 350L$ to join


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